
Limbic Region on 2007-05-08T12:14:32

I haven't written in this journal for quite a while. While a whole lot has been happening in my personal life, not much has been happening on techie front.

I decided to write today because of an observation today that had a profound affect on me. A lady at the convenience store was genuinely courteous. She seemed like she was in a hurry but when a guy ran in to pay for gas, she let him go in front of her. While she was waiting in line, she straightened up some magazines in the rack. When she greeted the clerk, not only did she ask him how he was, but she also waited to hear his response. As she was leaving, she made sure to donate the coins from her change to the charity collection on the counter.

I do all those things on a regular basis. I didn't always. I had to practice at it. Watching this lady though had such a profound affect on me that I felt I needed to write and share.

People can tell when you are being self-absorbed and disinterested in their lives but are going through the motions of being courteous. I am not sure when I stopped trying to be truly nice and went on auto-pilot but I am going to try real hard to change that after today.

It is amazing how refreshing a touch of humanity can be in this fast paced cold and indifferent hi-tech world can be.

Next time you see a stranger, smile and say hello, and really mean it.


rjbs on 2007-05-08T22:46:19

I forget just when it happened, but one day I realized that it required nearly no effort to always be polite and courteous. The only requirement seemed to be to realize that it's much more enjoyable to get along with people than to be rude. It always surprises me how many people in the world haven't realized this or reject it.